You are visiting: Saab Seaeye


Corporate Social Responsibility

Saab Seaeye’s Commitments

Responsible business

Saab Seaeye's employees are committed to acting responsibly in everything they do guided by fundamental values, current industry-wide codes of conduct and clearly defined internal processes.

Environmental impact

Saab Seaeye works to reduce the environmental impact of its products, services and operations and, to an even greater extent, identify solutions to environmental issues through innovation.

Employer of choice

Saab Seaeye brings together people with a variety of skills, experiences and ideas to create an inspiring and welcoming workplace and be an attractive employer.

Contribute to society

Saab Seaeye wants to play an active role in developing communities in the markets and places where we operate. Contributions are always closely linked to the business with the aim of helping to increase security, create economic growth, innovation and employment opportunities.

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